Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mr. Lee's B'dae

It was Mr. Lee's birthday yesterday, it was so fun! Around the end of the day, Dawn and the others were like "Mr. Ang told you to go to the meeting room lah! Better go or you kana scolded by him lah!" They were uncouth but they made Mr. Lee's birthday a memorable one. Especially on the last year 6 Courage is going to spend in Elias Park Primary.
After Mr. Lee left the class, everyone closed the door and the IT and AV monitors switched on the computer and went to the class blog. It was surprising as Mr. Lee didn't know anything about our plans for him on that day. He was so shocked when he walked in the class. Everyone was singing the birthday song!
Mr. Lee was so surprised that we found his old website. He created it when he was 21. The baby picture was so cute. I was laughing like mad when I saw the picture of him when he was 21. He looked so different!!! My sister went to the class blog and she left a trail in the tag board. She told me that she went to the computer lab. this morning. I was thinking, "Why did the teacher bring the whole class to the computer lab when they were supposed to be having their exams?" I don't care lah. Even if she fail her exams, not my problem right? I have to go now. Bye!

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